Tank Destroyer Men

Tank Destroyer Men

We're proud to tell the world

that we are Tank Destroyer men -

we're off to fight the enemy,

then we'll be back again.

We come from almost every state

in the good old U.S.A.

We're rarin' to go and meet the foe

so we'll be on our way!

We're staunch, hard hitting, fighting men,

and while our cannons roar,

we'll mop up all the foe in sight

and look around for more!

And if we part when battles done

and never meet again,

we'll ne'er forget the days

when we were Tank Destroyer men!

Roll Tank Destroyers, roll

right onto Rome and Tokio -

Roll, Tank Destroyers, roll,

for we are out to win this show!

Hirohito, here we come!

Schicklegruber, start to run!

And roll, Tank Destroyers,

onto Berlin!


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