
Showing posts from September, 2024

Oh, Bright Dawn of May - Oj, svijetla majska zoro

Oh, Bright Dawn of May - Oj, svijetla majska zoro   Oj svijetla majska zoro. Majko naša Crna Goro. Sinovi smo tvog stijenja I čuvari tvog poštenja Volimo vas, brda tvrda I stravične vaše klance Koji nikad ne poznaše Sramotnoga ropstva lance. Majko naša Crna Goro!  Oj svijetla majska zoro.  Majko naša Crna Goro.  Dok lovćenskoj našoj misli Naša sloga daje krila, Biće gorda, biće slavna Domovina naša mila. Rijeka će naših vala Uskačući u dva mora Glas nositi okeanu, Da je vječna Crna Gora.  Da je vječna Crna Gora!

There's a Voice Over the Carpathians - Se-aude glas peste Carpați

There's a Voice Over the Carpathians - Se-aude glas peste Carpați   Se-aude glas peste Carpaţi Să fim azi toţi românii fraţi, Prea mult am fost năpăstuiţi De-acuma hai să fim uniţi,. Că vrut-a Dumnezeu cel sfânt Să stăpânim acest pământ, Deci tu române, nu uita De neamul tău de ţara ta. Şi atunci când eşti departe de sat şi neamul tău, Să spui cu demnitate român voi fi mereu. În lupte grele neîncetat Strămoşii sînge au vărsat, Ca peste veci să dăinuiască A noastră viţă românească. Şi la altarele străbune Întreaga obşte să se-adune, Şi badea Ion să-şi are glia Şi Ana lui să poarte iia. În lumea mare de-i pleca Române bun, tu nu uita, O ţară mică dar frumoasă Te aşteaptă să te întorci acasă. Şi de cândva ţi-o fi mai greu Priveşte sus spre Dumnezeu, Curajul, cinstea şi credinţa Îţi vor aduce biruinţă.

Let's Match Step to the Military March - 군가에 발을 맞추자

  Let's Match Step to the Military March - 군가에 발을 맞추자 군가를 부르며 병사들 거리를 행진할 때 지나간 병사시절 더욱 그립다 군복은 벗었어도 마음은 병사 동무여 발걸음 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 군가를 부르며 걸어온 우리의 병사시절 위훈의 자욱으로 빛나고 있다 병사의 그 걸음새 변치를 말고 동무여 발걸음 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 하나 둘 하나 둘 셋 하나 둘 하나 둘 셋 군가를 부르며 나가는 씩씩한 저 대오에 마음의 보폭을 맞추며 살리 조국을 위한 길에 정보로 걷자 동무여 발걸음 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 랄랄랄랄라 랄랄랄랄라 군가에 발을 맞추자 발을 맞추자

Wait for the Wagon

  Wait for the Wagon Come all you sons of freedom, and join our Southern band We are gonna fight the Yankees, and drive 'em from our land! Justice is our motto, and providence our guide So jump into the wagon and we'll all take a ride! Wait for the wagon The dissolution wagon The South is the wagon and we'll all take a ride! Secession is our watchword, our rights we all demand To defend our homes and firesides, we pledge our hearts and hands Jeff Davis is our president, with Stephens by his side Brave Beauregard, our general, will join us for the ride! Our wagon is the very best, the running gear is good Stuffed 'round the sides with cotton, and it's made of Southern wood Carolina is the driver, with Georgia by her side Virginia holds the flag up while we all take a ride! Old Lincoln and his Congressmen with Seward by his side, put old Scott in the wagon just for to take a ride. McDowell was the driver, to cross Bull Run he tried, but there he left the wagon for Bea

Arabian Eagle - النسر العربي

Arabian Eagle - النسر العربي   يا أباة الضيم يا رمز الفداء يا نسور النصر أرضا و سماء روَّع الخطب فأبديتي البلاء و دعا الحق فلبيتي النداء يا أباة الضيم يا رمز الفداء يا نسور النصر أرضا و سماء روَّع الخطب فأبديتي البلاء و دعا الحق فلبيتي النداء يا ربوة نسورها طلائع يا قلعة سماؤها زوابع يا صفحة تاريخها زاكي الدماء فأقبلوا وهللوا وهلهلوا يا أباة الضيم يا رمز الفداء  يا نسور النصر أرضا و سماء  روَّع الخطب فأبديتي البلاء  و دعا الحق فلبيتي النداء أرض الفداء بالدماء واللهب فطلَّ من أجوائها نسر العرب بالوحدة الشماء معقود اللواء فأقبلوا وهللوا وهلهلوا يا أباة الضيم يا رمز الفداء يا نسور النصر أرضا و سماء روَّع الخطب فأبديتي البلاء و دعا الحق فلبيتي النداء

United America - América Unida

United America - América Unida   Cuando el mundo sangra y tiembla Al estruendo del cañón, Este nuevo continente tiene patria y tiene dios. Nuestro ideal ha de ser nuestro por la fuerza y la razón, Somos mucho corazones en un solo corazón. América unida, unida vencerás. América valiente, tú tienes que triunfar. América, tu suelo, es tuyo y nada más. ¡América! ¡América! tu nombre es libertad. 

March of the Defenders of Moscow - Марш защитников Москвы

  March of the Defenders of Moscow - Марш защитников Москвы В атаку стальными рядами Мы поступью твёрдой идём. Родная столица за нами, Рубеж наш назначен вождём! Мы не дрогнем в бою За столицу свою, Нам родная Москва дорога. Нерушимой стеной, Обороной стальной Разгромим, уничтожим врага. Нерушимой стеной, Обороной стальной Разгромим, уничтожим врага. На марше равняются взводы, Гудит под ногами земля, За нами - родные заводы И красные звёзды Кремля. Для счастья своими руками Мы строили город родной. За каждый расколотый камень Отплатим мы страшной ценой. Не смять богатырскую силу, Могуч наш заслон огневой, Загоним фашистов в могилу В туманных боях под Москвой.

Song of the Avenger

Song of the Avenger   Hark! Ye brown-skinned men of might! Come, from plain and hill! Hark! The day is come to fight! 'Tis the hour to kill! You and I will in this part to do or die with our cry for victory! Sons of toil and liberty, by that oath you swore, come avenge this treachery! Come! Let's march to war! Drive the yellow enemy from your sky and shore! Yours is the power! This is the hour! Fight for victory!

Tank Destroyer Men

Tank Destroyer Men   We're proud to tell the world that we are Tank Destroyer men - we're off to fight the enemy, then we'll be back again. We come from almost every state in the good old U.S.A. We're rarin' to go and meet the foe so we'll be on our way! We're staunch, hard hitting, fighting men, and while our cannons roar, we'll mop up all the foe in sight and look around for more! And if we part when battles done and never meet again, we'll ne'er forget the days when we were Tank Destroyer men! Roll Tank Destroyers, roll right onto Rome and Tokio - Roll, Tank Destroyers, roll, for we are out to win this show! Hirohito, here we come! Schicklegruber, start to run! And roll, Tank Destroyers, onto Berlin!