
Showing posts from July, 2024

God Save Our Thirteen States

God Save Our Thirteen States   God save the Thirteen States! Long rule the United States! God save our States! Make us victorious, Happy and glorious; No tyrants over us; God save our States! We'll fear no tyrant's nod Nor stern oppression's rod, Till time's no more. Thus Liberty, when driv'n From Europe's states, is giv'n A safe retreat and hav'n On our free shore.

Free America

Free America   Torn from a world of tyrants, Beneath this western sky, We formed a new dominion, A land of liberty; The world shall own we're masters here, Then hasten on the day. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, For Free America. Lift up your hands, ye heroes, And swear with proud disdain, The wretch that would ensnare you, Shall lay his snares in vain; Should Europe empty all her force, We'll meet her in array, And fight and shout, and fight and shout For North America. God bless this maiden climate, And through its vast domain May hosts of heroes cluster, Who scorn to wear a chain; Then guard your rights, Americans, nor stoop to lawless sway. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, For free America. Some future day shall crown us The masters of the main, Our fleets shall speak in thunder To England, France, and Spain; And the nations o'er the ocean spread Shall tremble and obey The sons, the sons, the sons, the sons Of Free America.

The Revolutionary Alphabet

The Revolutionary Alphabet   A, stands for Americans, who never will be slaves; B, for Boston's bravery that ever freedom saves; C, stands for Congress, which, though loyal will be free; D, stands for defence, against the force and tyranny. Stand firmly, A and Z, We swear for ever to be free! E, stands for evils, which a civil war must bring; F, stands for the dreadful fate, for people and for king; G's, for George, may Heaven grant him wisdom, help, and grace; H's for the hypocrites, who wear a double face. J's for justice, which the traitors now in power defy, K's the king, who should again to such the axe apply; L's for London where he sits, to honor ever true, M's for Mansfield, who it seems doth hold another view. N is North, who to the House the evil mandate brings, O's for oaths, which seemingly bind subjects, not their kings, P stands for people, who their freedom would defend, Q stands for the question, when will England’s troubles end ? R, stan