
Showing posts from July, 2024

To Glorious Prosperity - 共赴荣昌

To Glorious Prosperity - 共赴荣昌   故土育我如同母怀 复兴大业誓志不改 第一特区我们热爱 在民族危亡的黑暗时代 我们坚守理想 为续写高度自治的华章 携手父老乡亲共赴荣昌 民族兴亡我辈有责 牢记使命踏平坎坷 军民同心共筑安乐 在民主革命的历史长河 我们破浪扬帆 为实现民族自决和自强 誓让联邦明珠永放光芒 誓让吾土吾民走向康庄

Hymn of the Dominican Republic Army - Himno Ejército de República Dominicana

Hymn of the Dominican Republic Army - Himno Ejército de República Dominicana   Todo el pueblo se siente animado Y las armas se ponen en pie Cuando pasa el valiente soldado En que ha puesto la patria su fe. Le dio el cielo valor inmutable Le dio Mella su arrojo triunfal Le dio Sánchez su acero indomable Le dio Duarte su aliento inmortal. Voluntad es marchar sin cuidado Corazones confiad en la acción Que al impulso de un fuego sagrado El Ejército os da protección Que es estirpe y blasón de una tierra Cuyas glorias defiende tenaz Y es tan fiero y temido en la guerra Como fuerte y querido en la paz. ¡En la paz!

State Anthem of the Tajik SSR - Суруди миллии ҶШС Тоҷикистон

State Anthem of the Tajik SSR - Суруди миллии ҶШС Тоҷикистон   Чу дасти Рус мадад намуд, бародарии халқи Совет устувор шуд, ситораи ҳаёти мо шарорабор шуд. Гузаштаҳои пурифтихори мо ба ҷилва омаданду дар диёри мо, диёри мо Мустақил давлати Тоҷикон барқарор шуд. Ба ҳоли таб даруни шаб Садои раъди даъвати Ленин фаро расид Зи барқи байрақаш сиёҳии ситам парид Саодати ҷовидон дар ин замин Зи партия ба мо расид, ба партия сад офарин Марду озода моро чунин ӯ бипарварид. Шиори мо диҳад садо: Баробарӣ, бародарӣ миёни халқи мо. Зи хонадони мо касе намешавад ҷудо, Ягонагиро ба худ сипар кунем Ба сӯи фатҳи Коммунизм сафар кунем, сафар кунем, Зинда бод мулки мо, халқи мо, Иттиҳоди мо.

Heroic Serbian - Јуначки Српски

Heroic Serbian - Јуначки Српски   Јуначки српски пукови хрле И добровољци спремни су сви, Да ти слободу донесу мајко, Мајцице мила, Србијо. С вером у Бога боре се они А снажна песма пољем звони Жељну слободу они ти носе, Мајчице мила Србијо. Животе своје дали смо теби, И мајке наше, сестре, браћу сву. Ми смо сад твоји мајчице мила, Мајко наша Србијо.

The Ustashe Army is Rising - Ustaška se Vojska Diže

The Ustashe Army is Rising - Ustaška se Vojska Diže   Ustaška se vojska diže, Osvetnika strašan roj. Hrabra srca silne ruke, Nasrće u krvav boj. Ustaška se vojska diže, Zarobljenu domovinu pogaženo selo, dom. Oslobodit krvlju ide, I junačkom desnicom. Ruglovo je za Hrvata, Biti tuđi podanik. Kad je viko od vijekova, Bit u boju pobjednik. Ruglovo je za Hrvata, Biti tuđi podanik. Kad je viko od vijekova, Bit u boju pobjednik. Ustaška se vojska diže, Zarobljenu domovinu pogaženo selo dom. Oslobodit krvlju ide, I junačkom desnicom. Ustaška se vojska diže, Za slobodu vodit rat. Dok ne stigne sve do Drine, Neće klonut, neće stat!

Soldier's March - Əsgər Marşı

  Soldier's March - Əsgər Marşı Ali Baş komandanın,əmrin gözlərik Qəhraman əsgərik, Alpərənlərik Yurdları duşməndən azad edərik Vətənin uğrunda candan keçərik Nəqarət Üç rəngli bayrağla gedək irəli Ey Ana yurdumun, igid əsgəri Halal olsun sənə südü ananın Yaşasın hər zaman Azərbaycanım!   Düşmən gülləsinə sinə gərərik Biz sənə hər zaman Ana deyərik Ey mənim Vətənim Azərbaycanım Qurbandı, qurbandı sənə bu canım!   Biziləri səsləyir torpağlarımız Qoy yerdə qalmasın nahaq qanımız Şəhid oldu neçə qardaşlarımız Hər zaman fədadır sənə canımız

We are the First Brigade - My, Pierwsza Brygada

We are the First Brigade - My, Pierwsza Brygada   Legiony to żołnierska nuta, Legiony to ofiarny stos, Legiony to żołnierska buta, Legiony to straceńców los,   My Pierwsza Brygada, Strzelecka gromada, Na stos rzuciliśmy Nasz życia los, Na stos, na stos! Krzyczeli, żeśmy stumanieni, Nie wierząc nam, że chcieć - to móc! Laliśmy krew osamotnieni, A z nami był nasz drogi Wódz! Nie chcemy dziś od was uznania, Ni waszych mów ni waszych łez, Już skończył się czas kołatania Do waszych serc, do waszych kies!

The Kosovar Brigade - Brigada Kosovare

The Kosovar Brigade - Brigada Kosovare   Marshoni përpara brigada kosovare, me Titon në zemër punës ja filloni! Se vendin tonë ju da ta lexoni, nga zemra juaj këngës ja filloni! Se vendin tonë ju da ta lexoni, nga zemra juaj këngës ja filloni! Përpara brigade, Ura! Ura! Ura! Brigada kosovare, Ura! Ura! Ura! Me Titon përpara, Ura! Ura! Tito na audheq! Përpara brigade, Ura! Ura! Ura! Brigada kosovare, Ura! Ura! Ura! Me Titon përpara, Ura! Ura! Tito na audheq!

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle   Father and I went down to camp, Along with Captain Goodwin, And there we saw the men and boys, As thick as hasty pudding. Yankee doodle, keep it up, Yankee doodle dandy, Mind the music and the step, And with the girls be handy. There was Captain Washington Upon a strapping stallion, A-giving orders to his men, I guess there was a million. And then the feathers on his hat, They looked so' tarnal fin-a, I wanted pockily to get To give to my Jemim-ie. And there we saw a little keg, The heads were made of leather; They knocked upon it with two sticks to call the men together.

God Save Our Thirteen States

God Save Our Thirteen States   God save the Thirteen States! Long rule the United States! God save our States! Make us victorious, Happy and glorious; No tyrants over us; God save our States! We'll fear no tyrant's nod Nor stern oppression's rod, Till time's no more. Thus Liberty, when driv'n From Europe's states, is giv'n A safe retreat and hav'n On our free shore.

Free America

Free America   Torn from a world of tyrants, Beneath this western sky, We formed a new dominion, A land of liberty; The world shall own we're masters here, Then hasten on the day. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, For Free America. Lift up your hands, ye heroes, And swear with proud disdain, The wretch that would ensnare you, Shall lay his snares in vain; Should Europe empty all her force, We'll meet her in array, And fight and shout, and fight and shout For North America. God bless this maiden climate, And through its vast domain May hosts of heroes cluster, Who scorn to wear a chain; Then guard your rights, Americans, nor stoop to lawless sway. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, For free America. Some future day shall crown us The masters of the main, Our fleets shall speak in thunder To England, France, and Spain; And the nations o'er the ocean spread Shall tremble and obey The sons, the sons, the sons, the sons Of Free America.

The Revolutionary Alphabet

The Revolutionary Alphabet   A, stands for Americans, who never will be slaves; B, for Boston's bravery that ever freedom saves; C, stands for Congress, which, though loyal will be free; D, stands for defence, against the force and tyranny. Stand firmly, A and Z, We swear for ever to be free! E, stands for evils, which a civil war must bring; F, stands for the dreadful fate, for people and for king; G's, for George, may Heaven grant him wisdom, help, and grace; H's for the hypocrites, who wear a double face. J's for justice, which the traitors now in power defy, K's the king, who should again to such the axe apply; L's for London where he sits, to honor ever true, M's for Mansfield, who it seems doth hold another view. N is North, who to the House the evil mandate brings, O's for oaths, which seemingly bind subjects, not their kings, P stands for people, who their freedom would defend, Q stands for the question, when will England’s troubles end ? R, stan